Sleeping Beauty: 8 Sleeping Tips That Will Make You Prettier

When going to sleep, you may be tempted to skip your normal beauty routine. However, did you know sleep can affect your skin beauty?

Dr. Debra Jaliman indicates that beauty sleep helps to repair the skin. If you want your hair and skin to look healthier and younger during the daytime, adopt the following nighttime habits.

Remove makeup before going to bed

When you sleep with your makeup on, expect an eye gunk in the morning. This is what the makeup leads to. Sleeping with the makeup on makes the skin pores clogged, leading to breakouts. You also don’t want the makeup on if you usually sleep while wearing a snoring mouthpiece.

Sleep on your back

One of the things you may be struggling with is waking up with wrinkles on your skin. An easy way to avoid wrinkles is by sleeping on your back. Sleeping on the sides puts the skin under repeated pressure, which leads to creasing. With time, lines can set in. If you sleep on one side, you may have more wrinkles on the side than the other.

Fluids can gather around the eyes when you are lying flat, making them puffy. To avoid this, use an extra pillow when sleeping.

Avoid salty food and alcohol around bedtime

Taking a lot of alcohol dehydrates the body. To compensate for the loss of fluids, the body starts collecting natural fluids around the eyes and other parts of your body. This is why most people have puffy eyes when they take a lot of booze. The same also happens when you take a lot of over-salty foods.

Booze and super-salty foods should be avoided before bedtime.

Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase

Satin and silk pillowcases do not produce fluff. Moreover, their texture softens fine lines and wrinkles because they cause less friction between the skin and pillowcase. Silk keeps the hair from getting entangled and breaking. Moreover, it easily glides on the skin and hence you can be sure of not having wrinkles or creases when you wake up.

Change your pillowcases regularly

With time, pillowcases get dirty from the bacteria they accumulate from our bodies. You do not want to be resting your skin on a bacteria nest. Change the pillowcases two to three times a week. On the days you are not using the pillows, flip them over.

Moisturise before going to bed

When going to bed, use an anti-aging night cream to moisturise your skin. This will make you wake up in the morning feeling fresh. Dr. Jaliman also recommends moisturising your eyelashes with a lash conditioner, applying lip balm before sleep and following your night beauty serum or cream. These products are essential enhancing the skin “repair cycle” that happens at night.

Turn on the humidifier when sleeping

Drinking a lot of water is essential for the growth and repair of your skin. However, since you cannot drink water in your sleep, keep the skin hydrated by using a humidifier. Hydrating the skin is especially important for people with dry skin.

Wear your hair up and loose

When going to sleep, make sure the hair will not be in your face. You do not want the natural oils of the hair damaging your complexion. However, make sure the hair is not pulled in a tight ponytail or bun. Wearing a tight ponytail or bun can break the hair around the hairline.

What you should instead do is wrap the hair in a scarf, preferably made of silk. Keeping a loose ponytail will also ensure your recent blowout does not get disarrayed.

What beauty routines do you follow when going to bed? Share them in the comment section below.

Emilie Hagstörm

My name is Emilie Hagstörm. Born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden to a Swedish Father and an English Mother. With a background as a Pharmacist, I use a scientific approach to research what REALLY works. When you read one of my beauty reviews you’ll know that it is honest and unbiased because I don’t work for a make-up retailer or manufacturer, and I’m completely independent.

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